It’s never too early to talk about November’s Strasburg Film Festival.

Especially the categories that we’ll have and what films will be nominated for those categories.

This post will be about our New Visions award.

We generally define “New Visions” as “Artists who re-define their craft through how they present their film. This vision could be displayed through storytelling, cinema, acting, etc. ”

Genesis by Abtin Mozafari is our first officially nominated film in our “New Visions” category. Genesis director Abtin Mozafari describes Genesis as “A fantasy short film with a critical point of view about the horrible situation in Syria.”

A preview of this spectacular short film can be found here:


Tickets for the film fest go on sale in July.

The best way to stay up-to-date on what’s being played and logistical information relating to the event is to do any of the following: