On April 18th, 2017, Larry Bassett refused to pay federal income taxes on over $1 Million, becoming the top tax resister in US history. His story is featured in the documentary The Pacifist, which will be featured during November’s Strasburg FIlm Festival.In his defiance, Bassett wrote letters to U.S. government agencies and representatives, announcing that his conscience will not allow him to pay for the US war machine. He knows that breaking the law will bring retribution from the government, and he accepts the consequences of his actions. In fact, he’s begging for their retaliation as his family and neighbors worry about his safety.

Larry is retired now and lives alone with his extensive art collection in a loft downtown. He spends his days provoking the government with emails and phone calls, desperately trying to arouse a response from the IRS. In order to live by his personal motto that “you are what you pay for” he redirects his inherited wealth to individuals, causes, and charities around the world.

This is the remarkable story of his mission is to carry on the legacy of his peace activist parents by taking a stand against war through civil disobedience.

You can purchase passes now at Strasburgfilm.com or you can wait till the schedule is released, which will be in early September and then you can determine if you’d want to enjoy the best of over 5,500 submitted films. Prices will range:
– $30 for the full three days
– $10 dollars for one day
– $4 for one session

It’s best that you follow us on one of our social media channels so you don’t miss as we feature a new film each day leading up to the festival, which is November 9-11.